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Configuration Options

touca config --help
usage: touca config [-h] {home,show,set,get,rm} ...

Manage your active configuration profile

home Print path to active configuration file
show Print content of active configuration file
set Set a value for a configuration option
get Get value of a configuration option
rm Remove a configuration option

Many Touca commands take one or more configuration options. Passing these options every time you use touca would not be great. Specifically, configuration options like API Key and API URl barely change from one run to the next. For better user experience, you can use touca config to set these options in a configuration file that is automatically read by other subcommands.

$ touca config set api-key=a66fe9d2-00b7-4f7c-95d9-e1b950d0c906
$ touca config set api-url=

You can use touca config home to see where these configuration options are kept.

$ touca config home

You can use touca config show to view the content of your activate configuration file:

$ touca config show

Option Value
1 api-key a66fe9d2-00b7-4f7c-95d9-e1b950d0c906
2 api-url

You can also check the value of any given option:

$ touca config get

Touca uses for api-url if it is not specified so we can use touca config rm to remove this option from the configuration file:

$ touca config rm api-url
$ touca config set team=tutorial-509512

Configuration Profiles

touca profile --help
usage: touca profile [-h] {ls,set,rm,cp} ...

Create and manage configuration profiles

ls List available profiles
set Change active profile
rm Delete profile with specified name
cp Copy content of a profile to a new or existing profile

By default, touca config set stores your configuration options into ~/.touca/profiles/default. This is enough for most use cases but if you use the same machine for submitting test results for work and for personal projects, you may want to have separate configuration profiles with different values for api-url and other parameters. touca profile lets you create different profiles and switch between them.

You can use touca profile set to create a new profile or switch to an existing profile:

$ touca profile set personal

You can use touca profile cp to create a new profile with all the configuration options of your active profile:

$ touca profile cp personal work

You can use touca profile ls to list your profiles:

$ touca profile ls

1 default
2 development (active)
3 staging

And if you no longer need a profile, you can use touca profile rm to remove it:

$ touca profile rm personal