Low Level API
Previously, we covered Touca Main API to test a simple software workflow using Touca's built-in test runner.
- Python
- C++
- JavaScript
- Java
import touca
import students as code_under_test
def students(username: str):
student = code_under_test.find_student(username)
# insert code here to describe the behavior
# and performance of the code under test
if __name__ == "__main__":
#include "students.hpp"
#include "students_types.hpp"
#include "touca/touca.hpp"
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
touca::workflow("find_student", [](const std::string& username) {
const auto& student = find_student(username);
// insert code here to describe the behavior
// and performance of the workflow under test
return touca::run(argc, argv);
import { touca } from "@touca/node";
import { find_student } from "./students";
touca.workflow("students_test", async (username: string) => {
const student = await find_student(username);
// insert code here to describe the behavior
// and performance of the workflow under test
import io.touca.Touca;
public final class StudentsTest {
public void findStudent(final String username) {
Student student = Students.findStudent(username);
// insert code here to describe the behavior
// and performance of the workflow under test
public static void main(String[] args) {
Touca.run(StudentsTest.class, args);
and run
are the entry-points to Touca's built-in test runner. In
addition to running our code under test with different test cases, the test
runner provides facilities that include reporting progress, handling errors,
parsing command line arguments, and many more. We intentionally designed this
API to abstract away these common features to let developers focus on their code
under test.
Touca SDKs provide a separate low-level API that offers more flexibility and control over how tests are executed and how their results are handled. This API is most useful when integrating Touca with other test frameworks.
- Python
- C++
- JavaScript
- Java
import touca
from students import find_student
if __name__ == "__main__":
for username in ["alice", "bob", "charlie"]:
student = find_student(username)
# insert code here to describe the behavior
# and performance of the workflow under test
#include "touca/touca.hpp"
#include "students_test.hpp"
int main() {
touca::configure([](touca::ClientOptions& x) {
x.api_key = "<TOUCA_API_KEY>";
x.api_url = "<TOUCA_API_URL>";
for (const auto& username :
std::vector<std::string>{"alice", "bob", "charlie"}) {
const auto& student = find_student(username);
// insert code here to describe the behavior
// and performance of the workflow under test
touca::save_binary("touca_" + username + ".bin");
touca::save_json("touca_" + username + ".json");
import { touca } from "@touca/node";
import { find_student } from "./students";
(async () => {
await touca.configure();
for (const username of ["alice", "bob", "charlie"]) {
const student = await find_student(username);
// insert code here to describe the behavior
// and performance of the workflow under test
await touca.post();
await touca.save_json(`touca_${username}.json`);
await touca.save_binary(`touca_${username}.bin`);
await touca.seal();
import java.io.IOException;
import io.touca.Touca;
public class StudentsTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Touca.configure(options -> {
options.apiKey = "<TOUCA_API_KEY>";
options.apiUrl = "<TOUCA_API_URL>";
for (String username : new String[] { "alice", "bob", "charlie" }) {
Student student = Students.findStudent(username);
// insert code here to describe the behavior
// and performance of the workflow under test
Touca.saveJson(String.format("touca_%s.json", username));
Touca.saveBinary(String.format("touca_%s.bin", username));
The above code uses the low-level Touca API to perform the same operations as the Touca test runner without handling errors, reporting progress, and handling command line arguments. In this section, we will review the functions used in this code and explain what they do.
Configuring the Client
Touca client requires a one-time call of function configure
. This
configuration effectively activates all other Touca functions for capturing data
and submission of results. Therefore, this function must be called from our test
tool, and not from our code under test. This design enables us to leave the
calls to Touca data capturing functions in our production code without having to
worry about their performance impact.
The configure
function can take various configuration parameters including the
Touca API Key and API URL. Refer to the Reference API documentation of your SDK
for the full list of supported configuration parameters and their impact.
- Python
- C++
- JavaScript
- Java
touca::configure([](touca::ClientOptions& x) {
x.api_key = "<TOUCA_API_KEY>";
x.api_url = "<TOUCA_API_URL>";
x.version = "<TOUCA_TEST_VERSION>";
await touca.configure({
api_key: "<TOUCA_API_KEY>",
api_url: "<TOUCA_API_URL>",
Touca.configure(opt -> {
opt.apiKey = "<TOUCA_API_KEY>";
opt.apiUrl = "<TOUCA_API_URL>";
opt.version = "<TOUCA_TEST_VERSION>";
Touca API Key should be treated as a secret. We advise against hard-coding this parameter.
The three common parameters, API Key, API URL, and version of the code under
test can also be set as environment variables TOUCA_API_KEY
. Environment variables always override the parameters
passed to the configure
All of the configuration parameters passed to configure
are optional. When API
Key and API URL are missing, the client is configured in the offline mode. It
can still capture data and store them to files but it will not submit them to
the Touca server.
You can always force the client to run in offline mode by passing the offline
parameter to the configure
Declaring Test Cases
Once the client is configured, you can call declare a test case to indicate that
all subsequent calls to the data capturing functions like check
associate the captured data with that declared test case.
- Python
- C++
- JavaScript
- Java
for username in ["alice", "bob", "charlie"]:
# now we can start calling our code under test
# and describing its behavior and performance
for (const auto& username : std::vector<std::string>{"alice", "bob", "charlie"}) {
// now we can start calling our code under test
// and describing its behavior and performance
for (const username of ["alice", "bob", "charlie"]) {
// now we can start calling our code under test
// and describing its behavior and performance
for (String username: new String[] {"alice", "bob", "charlie"}) {
// now we can start calling our code under test
// and describing its behavior and performance
Test cases are unique names that identify different inputs to our code under test. These inputs can be anything as long as they are expected to produce the same behavior every time our code is executed.
Submitting Test Results
Once we execute our code under test for each test case and describe its behavior and performance, we can submit them to the Touca server.
- Python
- C++
- JavaScript
- Java
await touca.post();
The server stores the captured data, compares them against the submitted data for pervious versions of our code, visualizes any differences, and reports them in real-time.
It is possible to call this function multiple times during the runtime of our test tool. Test cases already submitted to the Touca server whose results have not changed, will not be resubmitted. It is also possible to add new results for an already submitted test case. Any subsequent call to the function will resubmit the modified test cases.
We generally recommend that you post test results after running the code under test for each test case. This practice ensures real-time feedback about the test results, as they are executed.
Storing Test Results
If we like to do so, we can store our captured data for one or more declared test cases on the local filesystem for further processing or later submission to the Touca server.
- Python
- C++
- JavaScript
- Java
touca::save_binary("touca_" + username + ".bin");
touca::save_json("touca_" + username + ".json");
await touca.save_binary(`touca_${username}.bin`);
await touca.save_json(`touca_${username}.json`);
Touca.saveBinary(String.format("touca_%s.bin", username));
Touca.saveJson(String.format("touca_%s.json", username));
We can store captured data in JSON or binary format. While JSON files are preferable for quick inspections, only binary files may be posted to the Touca server at a later time.
Forgetting Test Cases
You could ask the Touca client to forget a given test case after submission of its data to the server. This operation is useful in tests that collect significant amount of data for a large number of test cases.
- Python
- C++
- JavaScript
- JavaScript
await touca.forget_testcase();
Sealing Test Results
When all the test cases are executed for a given version of our code under test, we have the option to seal the version to let the server know that no further test result is expected to be submitted for it. This allows the server to send the final comparison result report to interested users, as soon as it is available.
- Python
- C++
- JavaScript
- Java
await touca.seal();
Sealing the version is optional. The Touca server automatically performs this operation once a certain amount of time has passed since the last test case was submitted.