
Changelog 22.03.01

A more powerful Python CLI, A new tab for insights and analytics about Test Cases, Ability to control notifications when subscribing to suites, various enhancements to our Java SDK, and 4 small user-facing improvements.

Pejman Ghorbanzade
Pejman Ghorbanzade
Mar 2, 2022
2 Min

Hello, here is a summary of what we shipped in February.

Running Tests with Python CLI

We've made it significantly easier to run Touca tests written in Python. Instead of directly running individual test modules with several configuration options, you can now use our CLI to run all of your Touca tests.

The CLI interactively asks for any missing information and stores them in a configuration profile to be reused in subsequent runs.

Test Case Analytics

We added a new tab in each suite that provides insights and analytics about your test cases, such as their runtime trend, stability score (flakiness), as well as any note or tag that your team-members might have added for them.

As Touca collects test results over time, it automatically updates high-level information about your test cases to help you refine and reorganize them.

Notifications Control

You can now opt out of notifications about new versions that behave and perform similar to your baseline. 📬

You can now control the notification level independently for each suite.

Java SDK Enhancements

Java SDK relies on user-registered serializers to handle non-primitive data types. When it doesn't find a suitable serializer, the SDK defaults to using runtime reflection. Per user feedback, we added a configuration option that disables runtime reflection so you could easily find data types that need custom serializers.

We also introduced several other small improvements to achieve complete feature parity with other SDKs.

Java SDK v1.5.1 now has complete feature-parity with other SDKs

Other fixes and improvements

  • Python SDK should allow running test by workflow name
  • Python CLI checks PyPI for new versions and suggests upgrades
  • Hovering over status icons should display tooltip
  • Use tooltip to display information about Runtime Trends char


Here is a short video of me walking you through the features and improvements mentioned in this issue.

One last note

  • We've partnered with a few other developer tools startups in hosting weekly conversations on Twitter Spaces where we take turns and share our favorite tools and packages. You're more than welcome to take part! Our first session is March 3rd, 12pm PST.
  • We're speaking about "Continuous Regression Testing in Java" at the Java MN User Group Meetup on March 15th. You can register here.

Wishing for a more peaceful world... 🇺🇦

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